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5 SEO Mistakes You do not want to make

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Don’t make the SEO mistakes that will hurt your business, waste your time, and cost you money.  Read these 5 common SEO mistakes.

  • Misleading link schemes. If you engage in a link scheme, it can trigger and algorithmic or manual penalize. It can be a huge blow to your organic search visibility.  Link scheme is a basic term that essentially implies different ways to manipulate search rankings to artificially boost rankings of those involved by building links unnaturally.  This can include excessive link exchanges, using exact match keywords, buying links, etc. the list can go on. Visit the F.A.Q. On Google and read about link schemes so you will understand.  In the interim, be aware, any attempt to trick Google is most likely going to fail miserably.
  • Keyword Stuffing. Key words are not completely obsolete. You can use keywords to find good content ideas, however you may as well know that keyword frequency does not matter. Write your content and use good titles, and descriptions that convey the ideas of your page, but don’t try to over crowd with keywords. If too many keywords are detected in your site, your Google ratings could fall drastically.
  • Publishing bad content. Not much is worse than a website full of poorly written content. Not only can it cause damage to your site’s credibility, but the visitors that see your site will run the other direction.  Be sure your Research and statements are accurate, and don’t use poor grammar, your site represents you and if it is poorly written it reflects back on you.
  • Unnatural. Your SEO should be full of variety. You should use various sources to obtain links to your site.  If you don’t stick to that rule, search engine algorithms will assume you are attempting to artificially manipulate your ratings.
  • Migrating responsibility. It can be fun to change your site, and always improve the looks, but don’t forget the SEO requirements of updating your site map. Be sure to put 301’s in to redirect traffic to the new page. Forgetting to do this can ruin the value of your existing links.  It may seem a little overwhelming, however, don’t be concerned that you may “accidentally” migrate irresponsibly, that would not happen, it takes intention to do so.

Following an Internet/website protocol will ensure that you can successfully develop your website, and make the most of what it was attended for, to increase business.  In the event you are unsure of what steps to take next, consult a professional SEO and get advice from an expert.


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